Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Album Review - Why?



Anticon Collective

RIYL: Slint, Black Heart Procession, Trip-hop, Anticon Collective

Rating: 7.5

Whatever you are expecting, stop it. Unless you have heard any of the several previous releases, in that case you knew what to expect. I was a WHY? virgin and now that I know “Why?” I’m a convert. My point: Alopecia defies strict categorization. This is a good thing.

From Oakland, California Alopecia is the fourth, full length album released on the Anticon collective, a label known for hip-hop/post-rock indie act, a bill that Why? fits nicely. Yoni Wolf’s vocal contribution swings from a nasal melody to spoken, hip-hop like lyrics. What stands out though is the narrative Wolf weaves for the listeners. Themes range from urban sprawl, to stalking, to sex and desire. As you listen you get the sense that you are hearing a soundtrack to someone’s life, varied, complex, contradictory and occasionally scary. Wolf’s stories are layered over a range of sounds that gives each tale a unique setting and mood. Sometimes you recognize the synthesizers and beat of traditional hip-hop, other songs feature stripped down, post-rock guitar tracks.

My favorite track is ‘the Hollows.’ Deconstructed guitars and a great combination of Wolf’s rap/singing style creates a hummable, if slightly disturbing, refrain. Calliope like organ and sharp snares drift just under the surface of 'These Few Presidents.' 'Simeon’s Dilemma' is bittersweet and dark. Lyrics like “you are the only proper noun that I need” seem charming until you remember that the song is about a stalker with ominous plans. But, it is exactly this juxtaposition of themes, styles and images that make Alopecia wonderful/frightening.

Check out a "video" for The Hollows . This goes out to all my underdone and undertongued, monk-lunged frontmen...

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