Thursday, September 2, 2010

Gibson on Google

"Appeals to my Kafka glads" is exactly why William Gibson is awesome. Great read about the current and future status of Google.

Monday, April 12, 2010


It's been a while since I've been up to date on this blog and it's starting to feel like I should do something with this space or take it down. I'll start the renaissance of this blog by passing along some interesting links I've come across lately. Mostly these are links to other blogs that I regularly read and also a couple of this I'm compiling for use in class. I'll expand on all these topics in later post, but for now - enjoy.

Punk Friction - terrific music blog focusing on my favorite era in musical history. Lot's of great downloads - including some fairly rare live performance. I think you will like it.

Music...isms - Another good punk blog, this one focuses more on the VERY obscure and experimental. Hours of reading here for those inclined to search for it.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Fred Schneider Interview

Looks like I'll be interviewing Fred Schneider of the B-52's this week on Radio UTD. Working out the details now, and will post more as soon as I have a final date and time. I'll post our conversation here and, of course, you can hear it on Cold War Radio next wednesday at 2pm CST.